T+E Item Features
There are various options to enter/capture time and expenses – within the Salesforce platform or via Mobile.
The weekly Timesheet allows entering time one line per project and activity type for the weekdays and optional weekends. For ease of use, you can use any previously submitted Time report as a template and also include open Salesforce Tasks.
You can customize the timesheet and add custom fields. The start day of the week can also be defined.
There are various additional ways to enter time:
- Capture Time directly in any Salesforce Object, e.g. capture the time spent on a support issue directly in the Salesforce Case.
- Capture Time directly in any Custom Object
In addition to entry of time and expenses in the Saleforce Mobile platform, you can also use the Accorto Mobile Apps (https://m.accorto.com) to quickly and securely enter
- Time with optional Timer
- Time In/Out
- Expenses (with receipt upload)
- Timesheet and Expenses
Time In/Out
Accorto provides the option to “clock in” and “clock out” and automatically creating a time entry. If entered on Mobile, also the GPS coordinates can be captured.
Accorto provides a special Import feature, which automatically de-references standard objects like Projects, so you do not have to provide the internal IDs like in the standard Salesforce Import.
From the import you can also automatically create reports and submit them.
Financial Accounts are the link to your accounting system. For certain expenses (e.g. meals) you can require that the users provides a Reason. You can also define fixed amounts for e.g. mileage and per diems.
Accorto manages also the Tax portion of the expense receipts
- Sales Tax (e.g. for certain non profit orgs)
- VAT, Canadian GST/PST
Enter Expenses in the Expense Tab (Table); On Mobile also enter expenses individually and upload receipts.
Per Diems can be entered as an expense or also in the Timesheet directly, so that no separate expense report needs to be created.
Expenditure Types allow to handle Cash reimbursements and reconciliation of corporate Credit Cards.
You can Import Credit Card Statements via csv or OFX.
Accorto supports multi-currency (receipts in foreign currencies) and dual currency (employees/contractors paid in a foreign currency).